Is it really cheaper buying a Fire Extinguisher on the internet?

When buying your Fire Extinguisher on-line it can sometimes look very competitive compared to service providers.

However, there are a few things that need to be considered to evaluate the true cost.See below for an example of the true cost.

The product price and delivery may seem reasonable, however other services maybe optional and are certainly worth looking out for.

This is not a box product (such as a new kettle, CD Player etc)that can be put straight into use or onto the wall it needs Commissioned on site prior to use.

Call out charges to Commission on site?
These need to commissioned on site prior to being put into situ for use it can not be commissioned prior to delivery as it may be damaged in transit this is as per BS5306 by a competent person.
Installation, inspection, labelling and certification per Extinguisher

Additional questions you need to ask yourself

Does the internet supplier have liability insurance? If they don’t who will you claim from if things go wrong?

Does the supplier of the Fire Extinguishers have efficacy insurance cover?  (Efficacy insurance covers the failure to perform)

Is the installation/commissioning carried out by sub-contractors? (In a lot of cases this answer is yes) at extra cost

Have you seen the sub contractors liability insurance?

Is the company that is carrying out the installation/commissioning ISO registered or similar?

Is the company doing the installation and commissioning approved and engineers competent?

Do you have any proof of the competency of the supplier?

What Health & Safety Policies does the company have in place?

Who is liable for the Extinguisher if the British Standards and Regulatory Reform Fire Safety Order 2005 has not been complied with once delivery has been received (chances are it will be you).

What is the guarantee on the product?

Who guarantees the extinguisher if your service company takes over the service after 12 months? (If the service company did not supply the Extinguisher, then the warranty will not be up held so therefore the 5 year warranty will become 12 months only).

Removal and Environmentally safe Disposal of Old Extinguisher which carries a cost.

Does the company take away your waste/old extinguisher and have a waste carriers license?  Did you know that you are responsible for the safe and legal disposal of the waste, the fines can be up to £1,000 per cylinder, therefore it is very important that your waste is disposed of in the correct way. Please note that Extinguishers arepressurised vessel.

So what is the true cost of buying a Fire Extinguisher from a non- proven source

You will probably only find out the true cost from a non-proven source when it is required in a real life fire situation. When browsing products can often be substituted by the selling company, how do you find out if this is the case though?

Fire authorities investigate when there is a fire, they will prosecute where there are breaches of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety Order 2005). Proof needs to be shown for competency for the organisation which is supplying and maintaining the fire equipment as part of the investigation.

Insurance companies will also investigate any claims, and they too will want to see proof of competency for the organisation supplying and maintaining the equipment. If you cannot prove that you have compiled with the Fire Safety Order 2005, that requires that you ensure the competence of service, product providers and meet the recognised standard codes of practice for the provision of firefighting equipment, then you could have problems getting a full insurance payment.

By purchasing your fire extinguishers and equipment from a proven source. A source which is third party accredited and holds the appropriate liability and efficacy insurances. A company that has trained and qualified personnel, with ongoing training and is audited for quality of service, delivers, commissions and installs the equipment using a competent technician. Then you are compliant for the provision of firefightingequipment under the Fire Safety Order 2005.

How do I find out more information regarding this?

You can visit the Fire Industry Association to find out more or call us for a free survey of your premises.01768 863551


Approx estimated prices

Cost of unit online £28

Cost of Delivery£6.50

Cost For a competent Engineer to Attend site and Commission £35 to £45

Plus a charge of £7.50 to £9.50 per extinguisher to Commission

Cost of Environmentally safe disposal of old unit £6 to £10

So, on Average the true cost is more around the £80/£90 cost to comply with all Legislation requirements to keep you as the Responsible Person legal, safe and compliant